The Social Studies Department at Foxborough High School encourages all of our students to read during the summer because we recognize the importance of well-developed reading skills. Reading is a life proficiency that must be fostered and encouraged during the high school years when skills are still taught and monitored. Our Summer Reading Program is one strategy we use to enhance reading ability. We believe that the program will:
- gain deeper insight into upcoming historical topics
- encourage them to read for pleasure
- expose students to titles and authors they might not have ordinarily chosen for themselves
- broaden their knowledge of various cultures represented in the books read
- allow them to analyze works independently
Studies show that the number of books read during the summer is consistently related to academic gains. Simply stated, people who read more begin to read better write better and have better vocabulary and spelling skills. Most importantly, competent readers improve their comprehension skills. As citizens of the 21st Century, our students must be able to understand and interpret what they read in order to utilize and evaluate the information set before them.
Extra credit is worth up to 3% of overall first term grade. Example 88% first term average becomes 91%. To get three points students must score a 4 on school wide rubric, two points students score a 3 on school wide rubric and one point if student scores a 2 on the school wide rubric.
After you have read the book, pick an alternative assessment:
- do a reading journal or book report (writing rubric)
- create a PowerPoint or video production of the historical events (Use Technology Effectively rubric)
- Poster with 15 people, places and events from the book (Develop Critical Thinking Skills for Assessing Information and Problem Solving rubric)
Book Report
Your paper should have a cover page including your name, date, title, my name, class period and subject. The typed paper should be in 12-point, Times New Roman font, and should be double-spaced. You will be writing your report based on the following components:
Part I: Introduction. In two paragraphs introduce the setting by discussing the characters, the setting, the plot of the story, the major themes, and any other pertinent background information. (20 points)
Part II: Historical background of the story. What were the historical events discussed in book? What were some problems faced by major characters in book? What were some the issues that the country was dealing with? How did these issues impact the country and history? (30 points)
Part III: Quotation analysis. Using three quotes from the story illustrate their importance to the plot, the theme, the character(s), and the historical background of the story. Write one paragraph for each quotation. (30 points)
Part IV: Conclusion: In your conclusion you should analyze the themes of the story, discuss the historical relevancy of the story, and critique of the book. (20 Points)
Your PowerPoint should include at least 15 images. The PowerPoint will be graded according to the criteria and overall presentation. In the power point you must address ALL the following criteria.
- Setting of the book
- Plot of the story
- Major themes
- Historical Events Research
- Problems faced by major characters
- What were the issues the country was dealing with?
- Analysis three quotes that illustrates the importance to the plot, the theme, the character(s), or historical background
- Impact
Your poster should include at least 15 images. The Poster will be graded according to the criteria, overall presentation and neatness. In the poster you must address the following criteria:
- Setting of the book
- Plot of the story
- Major themes
- Historical Events
- Problems that the major characters faced
- What were the issues the country was dealing with?
- Analysis three quotes that illustrates the importance to the plot, the theme, the character(s), or historical background