The Foreign Language Club is organized to promote interest in and foster understanding of foreign languages and cultures. A focus is put on the two target languages studied at FHS, Spanish and French. The group meets every Thursday after school - and more frequently when special events are scheduled.
Ms. Megan Williams
[email protected]
Fall: Welcome dinner with the French and/or Spanish Exchange Students, Fall Soccer Game with either the French or Spanish Exchange Students.
Winter: Mardi Gras, Secret Santa, International Dinner with the Foreign Language Club members (each member brings an ethnic dish of their choice to share with the Club).
Winter/Spring: A field trip is scheduled when it is most convenient to all. Field trip destinations in the past have included the Maya exhibit at the Peabody Museum at Harvard University, as well as Flamenco, Andean, and Salsa Shows at Berkley School of Music. Fund raising events are also conducted throughout the year to offset the cost of the field trip.
Spring/Summer: The last event of the year is a farewell dinner that is held at an ethnic restaurant in or around Foxborough. At this dinner, elections for officers are held for the next school year.